


  Protect Environment   Today there is more and more pollution and the environment is becoming worse and worse. So we have to know how to protect the environment. Here are some ways.   今天有更多的污染和环境变得越来越糟.所以我们必须知道如何保护环境.这里有一些方法.   First, we can stop driving our personal cars. We can go to school or work on foot or by bus. Not only can it protect environment, but also it is good for our health.   首先,我们可以停止驾驶私家车.我们可以去上学或上班步行或乘巴士.不仅可以保护环境,而且它对我们的健康有好处.   Second, we are not supposed to drop litter anywhere, we should put them into the trash bin. And it’s best to pick up the litter on the ground when we see them.   第二,我们不应该乱扔垃圾的地方,我们应该把它们扔到垃圾桶里.最好在当我们看到他们地捡起垃圾.   Third, we should save the paper, the water, the food and so on.   第三,我们应该节约纸张,水,食物等.   Fourth, we should protect the trees and we should plant more trees.   第四,我们应保护树木,我们应该种更多的树.   I think if everyone does something to protect the environment, our world will be much better.   我想,如果每个人都做些什么来保护环境,我们的世界会更好.



It is undeniable that the worsening environment has become the biggest concern of the present-day world. Land resources are dwindling because of water loss and soil erosion.

Waste gases poison the air we breathe. The rivers and lakes are polluted by waste dumped in them from factories. It is probably no exaggeration to say that deterioration of the quality of the environment threatens the existence of mankind itself.

Some people are of the opinion that the environmental problem is the price we have to pay for economic development.

But I do not think that this argument is valid. After all, what is the point of economic growth if people's lives are adversely alfected by worsening environmental pollution ?


上一篇: 环境污染防治相关证书(环境污染防治工程资质等级)
下一篇: 环境污染大的房子(环境污染大的房子怎么处理)
